9/3/21 PRESS RELEASE: CAL FIRE Suspends All Outdoor Burning
Felton – Due to the current fire conditions and the amount of fire suppression resources committed to the fires in Northern California, effective today; Friday September 3, 2021 at 12:00 P.M. CAL FIRE suspends all outdoor open burning within the State Responsibility Areas and any Local Responsibility Areas under CAL FIRE Contract in the SAN MATEO & SANTA CRUZ Counties.
This burn suspension bans ALL outdoor burning including campfires, warming fires, and ceremonial fires.
This order is made under the authority vested by the Director of the Department of Forestry and Fire
Protection as per section 4423.1 of the Public Resources Code. This suspension of burning will be
reassessed when critical fire conditions decline and or the amount of fire suppression resources committed to the large fires become locally available.
For more information on how you can help spare the air in the San Francisco Bay Area you can contact the Bay Area Air Quality Management District at (415) 771-6000 or www.baaqmd.gov. For Santa Cruz County you may call the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District at (831) 647-9411 or www.mbard.org.
CAL FIRE is asking residents to ensure that they are prepared for wildfires including maintaining a minimum of 100 feet of Defensible Space around every home.
In specific locations, above ground charcoal only barbeques within organized campgrounds or picnic areas may be acceptable by the responsible jurisdiction for the site. The public is cautioned that they are liable for any fire they lose control over.
For additional information on preparing for and preventing wildfires visit: www.ReadyForWildfire.org.
CAL FIRE NEWS RELEASE, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, San Mateo Santa Cruz Unit, CONTACT: Public Information Duty Officer, (650) 861-4084, RELEASE DATE: September 3, 2021