Plug-In Monterey Bay EV Infrastructure Program
On October 8, 2015 Governor Brown signed into law SB513 (Beall), which became effective on January 1, 2016. The bill allowed air districts with an authorized AB923 program to collect a two-dollar fee pursuant to CA Health and Safety Code §44229 to be additionally used for: “The funding of alternative fuel and electrical infrastructure projects solicited and selected through a competitive bid process”[1]
A request for proposals (RFP) was issued by MBARD in March 2016 which solicited a five-year agreement to deploy electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure subject to MBARD annual review. In 2017 (year-one of the program), MBARD provided funding to install the first high power (200kW) 6 station DCFC complex along the Highway 101 corridor and funding to install 35 Level 2 EV infrastructure in workplace, destination and multiple unit dwelling (MUD) locations all within District boundaries. Contract year-two and year-3 saw the addition of 35 more DCFC stations and 42 more Level 2 stations (see photo gallery and station map below). Year-four will focus on additional DCFC and Level 2 stations within San Benito, Santa Cruz and Monterey.
[1] 2019 CA Health and Safety Code, §44229.6, p 336
A Gallery of MBARD Funded EV Infrastructure

A Map of MBARD Funded EV Infrastructure
Click here to view/expand the interactive map in a new browser window.