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Rules & Regulations

The Monterey Bay Air Resources District (MBARD) is responsible for addressing emissions from stationary sources through permits and local rules.  After proceedings held in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 6 commencing with Section 40702 of the California Health and Safety Code, the MBARD Board of Directors adopts local rules and regulations.  Stationary source rule development or revisions are handled by the Engineering Division.  Other rules, such as Rule 438 Open Outdoor Fires, are handled by the Planning Division.

Monterey Bay Air Resources District List of Current Rules

The California Air Resources Board has created a tool to search and locate rules for all 35 air districts. California Air Resources Board Directory of California Air District Rules


Rules Currently Under Development 

Rule 218 Title V: Federal Operating Permits - Public Hearing August 17, 2024


Rules Currently Under Development - No rules at this time


Potential Rule Development Activities for 2024Potential Rule Development Activities for 2023

Potential Rule Development Activities for 2022

Potential Rule Development Activities for 2021

Potential Rule Development Activities for 2020

Potential Rule Development Activities for 2019