Make Payments Online
The Monterey Bay Air Resources District accepts credit card, debit card, or ACH (e.g. e-check) payments through {forte} online payments portal. Online payments are subject to a service fee. Payments can be made with a major credit, debit or prepaid debit card or e-check, including:

CLICK HERE TO PAY: Application fees, Penalties, or Open Invoices
Thank you.
Payments can be made for:
• New Permit or Authority to Construct Applications
• Permit Annual Renewal Fees
• Other Fees and Penalties
To make a payment, you will need the following:
• Payment Amount
• Name and address of person or Company for whom payment is being paid
• Invoice, Permit, Equipment Reference Numbers or Account Number
FOR ASBESTOS NOTIFICATIONS: please use our new online system which accepts online notifications and payments. To access the online notification form, go to this page: