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AB 617 Community Air Protection

Signed by Governor Brown in 2017, Assembly Bill (AB) 617 was authored by Assembly Member Cristina Garcia to address the disproportionate impacts of air pollution in environmental justice communities. In response to this bill, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) established the Community Air Protection Program (CAPP) to reduce pollution exposure in communities based on environmental, health and socio-economic information, essentially prioritizing air quality improvements in these communities by enhancing air monitoring, providing cleaner technologies, and engaging the community.

AB 617 has key elements, such as adding and accelerating requirements for Best Available Retrofit Control Technology (BARCT) for industrial sources, creating a technology clearinghouse, increasing penalty fees, and greater transparency and availability of air emissions data.


Video recording of July 19, 2023 Community Air Protection Program Grants Community Workshop.

Past Workshops:

A workshop was also held on June 8, 2021 via Zoom. The presentation and chat log are available for download:

CAPP Workshop 06.08.21 Presentation.pptxCAPP Workshop 06.08.21 Chat Log.txt



CARB Activities:


BARCT for Industrial Sources: 

AB 617 requires each air district in a non-attainment area for one or more air pollutants to adopt an expedited schedule for implementation of BARCT for industrial sources. MBARD's adopted schedule can be viewed here:  Expedited BARCT Schedule


Funded CAP Program Projects:

Project IDGranteeGrant AmountCost-Effectiveness ($/Ton)Annual Emission Reductions (Tons/yr)DACLI1/2 mi BufferLocationFunding Year
CAP01Merrill Farms$233,090$17,736.214.47YesYesNoSalinasCAP Year 1
CAP02Merrill Farms$233,090$24,913.152.40YesYesNoSalinasCAP Year 1
CAP03KL Farms$267,511 $16,053.52 5.67YesYesNoMoss LandingCAP Year 2
CAP04Stratus Leasing$239,769 $21,749.88 3.75YesYesNoSalinasCAP Year 2
CAP05Stratus Leasing$239,769 $25,815.61 3.16YesYesNoSalinasCAP Year 2
CAP06Boutonnet Farms$293,140 $24,193.00 3.10YesYesNoSalinasCAP Year 2
CAP09Henry Hibino Farms$243,108 $28,823.13 2.16NoYesYesSalinasCAP Year 2
CAP10JV Farms Organic$199,703 $10,268.17 6.61NoYesNoGreenfieldCAP Year 2
CAP12Invest Grow Management$54,106$4,451.974.13NoYesNoGreenfieldCAP Year 2
CAP13City of Watsonville$20,344$521,994.551.14YesYesYesWatsonvilleCAP Year 3
CAP14Monterey COE$390,470$337,708.660.39Yes YesNoMonterey Co.CAP Year 3
CAP15Merrill Farms$150,000$19,854.362.98YesYesNoSalinasCAP Year 3
D23-02-CTanimura & Antle$33,541$31,896.940.16Yes YesNoSalinasCAP Year 3


CARB Grant Pograms Policies and Procedures Manual 12.20.2023


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